News from the editor

Oct 23 2024

Hey! The name is Timmy Porker. You can call me Porker for short. I’ve been brought in to help Tommy with his, quite frankly, abysmal news updates. Three posts in 10 months? What’s this guy doing, eh?

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I come from a rough background. Quite literally. You can see I had some shoddy linework and questionable anthropomorphised details before shaping up to be the strapping young pig before you.

Porker rough drawings.

But enough about me. Here’s what Tommy has been working on.


As he mentioned in his previous post, Tommy worked on a fully illustrated book with Penguin earlier this year, and the lovely folks there gave him the green light to show bits of it. Sweet!

So, here is a bit of background on the project. It’s titled A Little Slugger’s Guide to the Unwritten Rules of Baseball and Life (what a mouthful) and is written by Patrick Renna (you might have seen him in The Sandlot film). It comes packed with practical advice full of wit and humour about baseball (and life) – complete with a customisable dedication page for a very special slugger. With dozens of “unwritten” rules about baseball and the game of life, this is a must-have for any fan of America’s favourite pastime.

If you’re a baseball maniac, it looks like this book is coming out in late February, so make sure you preorder your copy.

And as promised, here are some of Tommy’s favourite pages.

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It looks like Tommy has been stretching his animation muscles and made a fun GIF for HuffPost. Who knew that your eyebrows could thin as your age? You can also see he had to think out how all the different parts would move.

A loose animation of eye brows disappearing. And that more or less wraps up this update. I hope you’ve enjoyed the content. If you’re a fan, share it with your friends and head to Tommy’s website to see more projects (and if you get lost, you’ll find me on my coffee break). If you have any questions, please email me, the editor, at

Ciao for now!


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